Kharkov city, Ukraine Kharkov city, Ukraine Kharkov city, Ukraine Kharkov city, Ukraine Kharkov city, Ukraine


   Dear ladies and sirs!
   Welcome on website of Sergey Orlov (Kharkov) is of a photo of the bodybuilding.

© 2005-2018, Sergey Orlov
The copying and any use of photos of Sergey Orlov and sportsmens

In Russain website In Ukrainain website

Sergey Orlov, bodybuilding and fitness, personal website

   Dear friends!
   I am Sergey Orlov, ex-president of the Kharkov regional federation of the bodybuilding and fitness. Bodybuilded a lot of years, was a prizewinner and champion of national, international, including commercial tournaments and competitions.
   From 2005 to July, 2012 was the president of the Kharkov regional federation of the bodybuilding and fitness (on the version of the IFBB).
   On the website I am glad to present Your attention a picture my and my friends-sportsmen, devoted bodybuilding, fitnesu and atletizmu. Bodybuilding is sport of the real men. Bodifitness is sport wonderful the soul and body of women.
   In a section "My best photos" are presented my sporting portfolio. On a website also presented portfolio sportsmen of this remarkable type of sport. For detailed viewing and increase of the interested photos on this page press the image by the mouse (the support Javascript) is required.

   Email of Sergey Orlov:
   Phone: +38 093 0555550

About federation

   On May, 30-31, 2009 in Bratislava of Slovakia championship of Europe took a place on bodybuilding, bodyfitness, fitness among women and masculine fitness. Kharkov entered in the complement of the Ukrainian combined team: Olga Halan, Sergey Klepchev and Natalia Kuz'mina. The women of fitness to 163 sm, a 1 place is Halan Olga. Fitness of man, 3 place - Klepchev Sergey.

   In April, 2009 on Cup of Ukraine in Ilychevsk the command of Kharkov took the 1 place in a command test, first for 10 years. A Kharkov's command is 22 peopls. It is the greatest command, thus greater part of sportsmen took the prize places.

   In 2008 in Macedonia on a World championship-2008 on the version of IFBB on bodyfitness among women a world champion was become by Ukrainian - Kharkov's sportswomen Evgeniya Prutskova is a 1 place. A silver prizewinner of the world on fitness is Kharkov's sportsman Sergey Klepchev. We congratulate the sportsmens of Kharkov - world champions !!

   On October, 13-14, 2007 in the Kharkov, Ukraine in "DK of Railroaders" Championship of Ukraine-2007 passed on bodybuilding, bodifitness and fitness among men and women on the version of IFBB. With the program With the program repeated came forward the honoured guest of the tournament Mr. Olimpiya Vince Taylor - you also can download a photo and video of appearance of legendary sportsman from our website.

My professional portofolio and photo as sportsman

Sergey Orlov -  bodybuildingSergey Orlov - bodybuildingSergey Orlov -  bodybuilding

Sergey Orlov - bodybuildingSergey Orlov -  bodybuildingSergey Orlov - bodybuilding

Sergey Orlov -  bodybuildingSergey Orlov - bodybuilding

   I am Sergey Orlov (ex-president of the Kharkov regional federation of the bodybuilding and fitness), present to you the best photos (portfolio), devoted of the bodybuilding. From 2005 to July, 2012 was the president of the Kharkov regional federation of the bodybuilding and fitness (on the version of the IFBB). For detailed viewing and increase of the interested photos on this page press the image by the mouse (the support Javascript) is required.

Email of Sergey Orlov:
Phone: +38 093 0555550

© 2005-2018. Photos of Sergey Orlov